Sunday, October 26, 2008

Watched a Wednesday on a Saturday, review on a Sunday

Now... where do i begin?

A Wednesday is perhaps the only movie that i know that has got a 5 Star rating from TOI. 
Before we getting into spitting hairs about whether or not it deserved it, i must - whole heartedly, admit that it is one of the best indian movies that i have seen in a long while - since perhaps Being Cyrus ( another movie that was well made ).  Well, now that you have a fair understanding of the movies that i like, let me proceed.

I am not a movie reviewer -never do that, unless i feel that urge. A wednesday urges me to - the movie is compelling, fast - does not meander, keeps the audience focused and guessing - all the while dropping little hints to throw you off track.  The editing is near perfect, story telling - masterful, cast - brilliant. Nassuridin Shah is great actor. No one needs my saying to acknowledge that - but what makes him so brilliant is not just his acting - but his rendering of the script. His voice, diction and delivery is so brilliantly immpeccable that it brings back fond memories of Agent Smith and V ( both given by Hugo Weaving).  His voice, so non chalant, yet profoundly emotional.

The movie's story and theme, by itself, is not something new or innovative - its something that we all talk about every other day, while in a crowded train or over dinner - frantically dismissing the situation as we project ourselves to powerlesss victims against the pawns of Terrorism.

Anyway, bottomline - watch the movie. Buy the DVD.
my rating: 8.5/10